Why be an Entrepreneur?

Why be an Entrepreneur?
Who wouldn’t want to be an entrepreneur? The thought of running your own business is exciting, being your own boss, running your life the way you want it, and the possibility of making it in the business and hitting the goldmine is a very enticing idea.
Entrepreneurs, startups and business owners create an impact on our lives by how they change our world, develop innovation after innovation, or transform the way we do things.
How they build empires out of nothing, provide livelihood to thousands of people, and generate millions in profit are tales which make entrepreneurship an opportunity and an experience worth taking the plunge.
Prove to yourself that you can do it.
By choosing to be an entrepreneur, you can prove to yourself that you are capable of becoming the person you want to be. You can make the difference that you seek and achieve the well-lived life you aspire to have.
Find your passion.
As an entrepreneur, you have the prerogative to pursue the things you have always wanted to do. You can make a living and embrace success by doing the things that give you a sense of accomplishment.
Seek freedom of choice.
You are your own boss, you call your own shots, be in charge of your destiny, and lead your life the way you envision it to be.
Search for your purpose.
Find your role in the bigger picture. Discover how you can contribute to the whole, how your strengths and capabilities can make an impact on the world, and how you can help transform situations in a positive and meaningful way.
Seize a business opportunity.
Having your own business enables you to provide the product or the service that suits your requirements and fulfills the needs of others.
Start out on a part-time basis.
You can have the option to take on various positions and opportunities, tasks and responsibilities before becoming a full-pledged entrepreneur.
Become an instrument of change.
As an entrepreneur, you are in the position to change, reinvent, enhance, or make a product or service better. In the process, the satisfaction you bring to every customer goes a step further.
Be in control.
As an entrepreneur, you are on top of everything, the biggest responsibilities lie in your hands, only you can navigate your business in the direction of failure or success.
Feel a sense of achievement.
You’re at the helm of your destiny. As an entrepreneur, you can choose your destiny… you can achieve your dreams of owning a company and making a success out of it.
Push yourself
Being an entrepreneur means always being out of your comfort zone. Your mind and body will be used to its utmost but this also means that you grow in ways you never expected.
Leave a positive imprint.
You can lay the foundation in creating a better future for other people, for your family, for employees, for the consumers who derive benefit, value and satisfaction from the products or services you offer. As an entrepreneur, you can leave a legacy, something that will drastically improve or change our way of life.
Live longer
Because your mind is challenged, you work with a team of people who share your goals and ideas, you will actually live longer and be happier.
Know the world
As an employee, you only know the four corners of the office, but as an entrepreneur you will travel the world through seminars, new acquaintances and new and different ideas!
Growth never stops
The best entrepreneurs like Walt Disney and J.K. Rowling reached the peak of their fame at a later stage. Whereas employers tend to favor the young and the vibrant for jobs; entrepreneurship will insure you are never out of a chance to make money and to provide for your family.
Provide solutions
The best entrepreneurs provide solutions to the world’s pressing problems e.g. food, light, shelter, etc. You can be part of the solution.
Anyone can do it
It’s not about being lucky, it’s about grit and hard work, a commitment to staying through the tough times, developing an iron stomach and getting by through sheer will power.