UAE tops Arab world in future readiness

The UAE has been ranked number one in the Arab world with respect to its digital progress and preparedness for the future, a new report has shown. The report was compiled by the Washington-based Portolans Institute in collaboration with Google.
Ohoud bint Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State for Government Development and the Future, said the UAE’s high performance reflects the vision of the country’s leadership to “prepare for the future and embrace innovation as the cornerstone of comprehensive development”.
Other Arab countries in the Future Readiness Economic Index’s top 100 include Qatar (35th), Saudi Arabia (41st), Kuwait (65th), Jordan (73rd), Lebanon (88th), and Egypt (89th). The report attempts to provide countries with a way of measuring future-readiness and serve as a guide to strategy and policy decisions. It focuses on four main pillars – institutions and infrastructure, technology, talent, and innovation.
Source Credit: The National