Things Entrepreneurs Should Never Say To Investors

Before you walk into that presentation or investor meeting you ought to know your lines, your slides, your data, the questions you’ll be asked by investors, and even the questions you should be asking to stand out and find a good fitting funding partner. Yet, all that can be blown if you make the following mistakes.
1) You Need to Sign This NDA
You might think you have the most unique idea in the world, and that letting it out is the biggest risk to your future. It’s not. At least, it is highly unlikely. First off, many very savvy investors interviewed on the DealMakers Podcast are clear that they don’t think that there are really that many truly unique ideas. Somewhere, someone else is thinking of pretty much the same thing right now. Someone else did yesterday. Someone else will tomorrow. The big difference is in the execution and the founding team that can really pull it off.
2) We Have No Competition
If you have no competition then you definitely don’t need a NDA anyway. Every business venture has competition. Even nonprofits have competition. If you haven’t found them yet, then you probably haven’t done enough research. You are going to look like a total novice and lazy entrepreneur. Who wants to fund one of those?
Also never talk poorly about your competition. It is a turn off. Always be respectful as the world is small and those competitors may get big enough to acquire your own business at a price that could be life changing.
3) We Have No Weaknesses
You’ve named your strengths and unique advantages. You also have weaknesses. You do. If you don’t know them, you are are really not aware. That alone is a big weakness, and probably the most dangerous.
4) I Don’t Have an Exit Strategy Yet
Most investors are purely investing on the basis of achieving a highly profitable exit. Normally sooner rather than later. That’s how they make their money. No investor can go in, without an exit strategy in place.
Source Credit: Forbes
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