Science entrepreneurs wanted: American University of Sharjah launches inaugural New Venture Challenge

American University of Sharjah (AUS) is set to host the region’s most prestigious start-up competition, with teams from around the world converging on Sharjah next February to compete in the AUS New Venture Challenge (NVC).
The NVC is looking for teams of two to five people, from anywhere in the world, who have a hard science idea with commercial potential. Teams must consist of at least one member who is currently enrolled in, or has recently completed, a graduate program. The 16 teams with the most impressive applications will be invited to Sharjah February 3–5, where they will undertake intensive development of their innovation.
While applications must be based on a hard science idea, the organisers are keen to point out that hard science covers many fields. Karen Leschke, NVC Project Coordinator, says: “Hard science refers to any of the natural or physical sciences, such as chemistry, biology or astronomy, where investigation occurs by means of hypothesis and experimentation. Examples include engineering, physics, medicine, life sciences, chemistry, biology, agriculture, energy and minerals, among others. Therefore, there is much scope for applications. It is also worth pointing out that graduates applying for the NVC do not need to have undertaken a hard science degree – they can be qualified in any field, so long as their application involves hard science.”
Source Credit: Arabian Business
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