Saudi authorities halt public sales of birds, scrap

The municipality of Makkah closed the sale of birds and scrap at public auctions on Saturday as part of precautionary measures to curb the spread of coronavirus, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday. The municipality, served by sub-municipalities and related municipalities, in coordination with security agencies and to comply with the directives of Makkah Mayor Mohammed Abdullah Al-Quwaihis, is served by sub-municipalities and related municipalities.
The director-general of municipal affairs, Abdullah Al-Zaidi, said the decision to close the auctions was to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
He noted that the sub-municipality monitoring groups were conducting field trips to the street markets in order to ensure that precautionary measures and regulations were implemented.
Al-Zaidi said the sub-municipality was stepping up its inspection of all enterprises and called on residents and ex-pats to report breaches by calling 940 or via the municipality’s social media networks.
Source: Arab News