Nabatik: An Online Nursery for Planting Trees

BEntrepreneur sat down with Mohammed Alkhalid, Co-Founder of Nabatik to talk about their easy and awesome solution to saving the environment one tree at a time.
Idea: Can you tell us more about your business idea and what was the inspiration behind it?
My love for planting trees was planted in me at a young age. When I was seven years old, my father drove me to a barren land that was part of a new residential area and handed me a shovel, a potted plant, and a bottle of water.
He helped me dig a hole in the dirt and then, carefully, I placed the plant in its new home; after that, I covered it and then we took turns watering it. Already, I felt a sense of accomplishment and was filled with hope.
My father then handed me a plastic sign and asked me to put my name on it and stick it next to my plant. My father said we have to go but I wasn’t done admiring my little plant. “Don’t worry about it,” he said, “The workers here will water it and take care of it.” And off we went. It took me some time, but gradually I stopped thinking about it.
Twenty years later I was passing by an area that looked familiar. I parked my car and walked into this garden of neatly ordered rows of trees. I kept wandering aimlessly until I stumbled on a little plastic sign that had my name. I looked up and was instantly mesmerized by this magnificent tree that stood tall before me; its branches blooming with lush green leaves, casting a shadow around me, embracing me.
“This is my tree,” I said to myself.
It was the best feeling in the world.
I want everyone to have that experience. That’s why I built Nabatik. Nabatik is an online nursery that makes planting trees accessible to everyone.
People can, from the comfort of their home, select their favorite tree, choose the location, and pay online. That’s it! We source the trees, transport them, plant them, and even take care of them. We want to make it as simple as possible for the customer.
Ease of Use: Can you tell us more about how digitizing a nursery could potentially inspire more people to care for the environment?