Including farmers, agricultural companies, nurseries, apiaries, dates producers, and productive Bahraini families
Farmers at the Bahraini Farmers’ Market, which opened this year during the holy month of Ramadan, provided a new shopping experience, and succeeded in meeting a large part of the demand for vegetables of all kinds during the blessed month, adding that it contributed to the marketing their products, especially since the agricultural harvest season is still going on.
The Bahraini Farmers’ Market opened on March 25 and April 1 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, in addition to the Ramadan Night Shopping Festival, which constituted a new shopping experience during the month of Ramadan.
Farmers asserted that they have benefited a lot from the opening of the marked during the holy month of Ramadan, expressing hope that the experience will continue in the next years.
They indicated that it has contributed to meeting a large part of the shoppers’ needs from all kinds of vegetables.
They commended the efforts exerted by the Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture and the organising committee to prepare the site of the Market during this month.
The Bahraini Farmers’ Market is celebrating its 10th anniversary, under the theme “Our Harvest is Bahraini”.
As many as 32 farmers, four agricultural companies, five nurseries, four apiaries, four activities specialised in dates, and 20 productive families are participating in the tenth edition of the farmers’ market, in coordination with the Ministry of Social Development.
The organising committee also allocated a children’s village, which has attracted more than 15,000 kids with various events and activities, which constitute a qualitative addition to the market since its launch on December 10, 2022.
Source: Bahrain News Agency / niadbh.com