Truly innovating and challenging a traditional way of doing something is disruptive, and so traditional industries typically have the most potential for disruption – i.e industries that pre-date digital technology. However, transforming a long-standing way of doing things requires creativity, vision, and strong leadership.
Establish your brand’s point of difference.
“From the very beginning the key point of difference from Verus Global has been on the customer experience, something most often overlooked in logistics. Branding and positioning were also extremely important for us – we wanted to stand out. We decided to break away from the traditional colors of blue and green and from the traditional names used (most end in “freight” or “logistics”). We wanted to be connected to our clients and build our reputation through the caliber of people we worked with. We have managed to approach a dated industry with fresh energy, making it appealing to consumers.”
Be brave! It can be intimidating to challenge the way it’s ‘always been done,’ but it is the very reason why you started.
“There are lots of players in this industry, ranging from small ‘Mum and Pop’ organizations to multinational giants. To be successful in this market we knew we had to be different. We embrace being different, we are focused on environmental sustainability with our paperless organization and we thrive on our points of difference.
Source Credit: Dynamic Business