We do know that bees are an important part of sustaining the environment. They promote pollination and help to keep nature in balance, and they’re also dying out at an alarming rate. With that in mind, if you’d like to add a beehive to your garden, and honey to your harvest, you might want to look into a Flow Hive.
Flow Hives are compact and self-contained with taps on the side to make harvesting your honey as easy as pouring a pint. The Honey Flow Africa website tells you everything that you need to know to get started as an amateur beekeeper.
A Flow Hive is a standard beehive that has Flow Frames in the honey storage part. A beehive is usually made up of; the brood box where the queen bee lays eggs, and the ‘supers’ with honeycomb for the storage of honey. A ‘Flow Super’ is a beehive box using Flow Frames that the bees store honey in.
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Source Credit: 2Oceans Vibe News