Dallaspresso Launches New Sitra Manufacturing Facility to Increase Localized Tea and Coffee Capsules Production

In an event held under the Patronage of His Excellency Aymen bin Tawfiq Almoayed, Chairman of Hope Fund, Dallaspresso, a Hope Ventures portfolio company and manufacturer of localized compressed coffee and tea capsules, launches its brand-new manufacturing facility located in Sitra.
The launch of the new facility comes as part of the company’s efforts to meet the ongoing local and regional demand for its capsules that are compatible with both Nespresso and Dolce Gusto machines, as the facility is pipelined to support increasing the company’s production capacity by ten times.
Dallaspresso will also be using the space to introduce various new products and flavors, as it currently produces seven types of Karak and 13 coffee capsules, focusing on Arabic coffee.
During the event, His Excellency Aymen bin Tawfiq Almoayed encouraged the spirit of innovation that inspires Bahraini youth to create local products that can compete on a regional scale, with Dallaspresso as a prime example of the matter.
Ali Mohsin, Founder, and CEO of Dallaspresso, has commented on the occasion: “We are thrilled to open our newly expanded facility, which is a testament to our commitment to delivering world-class products, in addition to the tremendous support we received from the strategic co-investors that empowered us to reach this milestone. With our increased production capacity, we are excited to meet the growing demand for our products both locally and internationally.
It is worth mentioning that Dallaspresso capsules and products can be purchased from Arab Sweets, Alsalam Gas, Day to Day, and their website Dallaspresso.bh.
For more information, follow Dallaspresso’s social media accounts on @dallaspressobh