Bahrain plans to create a world-leading tech ecosystem

One of the key drivers of Bahrain’s growth is its favourable business environment. It offers a tried-and-tested legal and regulatory environment and has minimal restrictions on foreign ownership. According to government figures, the number of Bahraini tech startups has grown to 75 companies, which highlights the growing importance of entrepreneurship to the kingdom’s economic growth.
“Empowering Bahrain’s ambitious young population is vital,” he said. “You cannot create enough jobs to satisfy all these college graduates. Some of them are going to have to become tech entrepreneurs because that person who becomes an entrepreneur creates 20 jobs. The way to solve our job creation issue is to create job creators.
Areije Al Shakar, senior vice-president and head of the development services division at Bahrain Development Bank, said there is a vast untapped opportunity to create technology solutions in Bahrain and the wider region. “The region is becoming more e-commerce and technologically savvy, so the opportunity to innovate on an e-commerce platform is quite vast,” she said.
Source Credit: Computer Weekly
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