An Interview with Natasha Parkinson

BEntrepreneur Magazine sat down with Natasha Parkinson—CEO of Nexus Global to talk about what being a CEO of a company entails, ethical business standards as well as her tips for aspiring entrepreneurs and future CEOs.
#Boss – Please tell us something about Nexus Global and what your work as the CEO of the company entails.
Nexus Global WLL was founded in March 2018, when I, as the founder, recognized gaps in both the emerging and developed markets. Based upon my previous experience at internationally renowned trading companies such as Glencore, I had identified niche opportunities; however, the critical element was the compelling need for them to be ethically based and holistically developed.To this end, I was very conscious of the need to partner with similarly like-minded entrepreneurs who also believe that better business springs from respectful relationships, an enterprising outlook, trustworthiness and sincere commitment throughout. Embracing these core principles enables me and demands of me, as the CEO of the company, to transform the client experience in the process of delivery for ultimate client satisfaction.
At the forefront of our business, and as far as some sense of “morning routine” goes, due to the dynamic nature inherent in such a business, my clients’ varying interests shapes the day ahead for me to focus upon and delegate tasks, to best serve these clients. The process is being tested and is constantly filled with learning, for myself and those I interact with. This requires one to be grounded and maintain a certain detachment to enable me to make informed and timely decisions, which consider both the immediate and longer term consequences. One of the many things I enjoy about my role, which requires a lot of intensive client interaction, is that we can generate productivity whilst being ethically based and creative in our entrepreneurial endeavours.
Niche – You talked about Nexus being ethically based and holistically developed.Why is this necessary, even vital in today’s economies.
Yes, integrating ethics within the business is a cornerstone of our business philosophy, which stems from our own inherent nature. As we build towards an ever advancing civilization, this can only be realized if we are active in the transformation process, starting with our own mindset which manifests itself in our daily interaction and business execution. Addressing this paradigm is increasingly essential in today’s economies. In the world order on the one hand, we are technologically advancing, whilst on the other hand, we are devaluing the essential human connection which provides fluidity and meaning to the entire operation. This is reflected in our ethical approach. We at Nexus Global believe in and endeavor to practice the continual nurturing of good relationships in our business for the benefit of all parties and not just our own.
Good Business – what do you think are the wellsprings from which good business relationships are established?
The wellsprings from which good business relationships are established starts with a particular mindset that utilizes core values, thereby facilitating a dedicated commitment to the process. When you commit to the process – building resilience, creatively overcoming setbacks and obstacles, venturing into new strategies – a powerful metamorphosis happens. You literally transform in the process. To me, life is based upon holistic growth and nurturing relationships which are mutually beneficial in the long term. When facing challenges, I seek to determine “what is this trying to teach us?” and seek to maximize inherent value that can be paid forward to others. To me, the benefit of this approach is its intrinsic value, upon which I can reflect daily to enable myself to recognize the intentions and direction which can enhance the wellsprings from which good business relationships are established. Ultimately, it is my understanding that “good” relationships comprise of healthy and respectful interaction which can only be cultivated over time and lessons learnt.
Emerging Markets – Can you tell us more about your work in emerging markets with a focus on Bahrain?
Within our emerging markets sector and following our strong business engagement in the EM economies of West and Sub-Saharan Africa, we are now investing and developing our business in Bahrain. We offer our expertise in commodities, foreign exchange, investments and proprietary technology in tandem with the key business relationships which we have cultivated in Bahrain. Within such complex markets, Nexus Global is also able to acquire the indispensable liquidity that our clients and prospective clients so require. Our clients receive the benefit from our time sensitive efficient operations to yield the most monetary benefiting solution to resolve their complex requirements. Bahrain has demonstrated that it is investor business-friendly and a gateway to other countries in the region.
Tips – What tips can you give to aspiring entrepreneurs or aspiring CEO’s out there?
My observations consider two concepts of “being” for aspiring entrepreneurs. The first emanates from our own personal development and growth, and secondly, expanding to a global level. In one’s personal development, by just focusing on the “prize”, one may miss the essential opportunities and may thereby neglect to realize how valuable and powerful the transformational impact of the individual is. This is only possible by taking the smarter way around, with a critical thinking approach, allied with the required resilience during the challenges of a start-up phase. If one is seeking true and lasting success, one must undergo this process. It is therefore incumbent upon one to become a continually evolving channel of growth, and this certainly requires the conquering of oneself – and to remember the enjoyment of the process in learning! When man has conquered his lower nature, he then becomes a true instrument for service and makes for an impact at the global level. The person you become in this process – the skills you learn, the experience you gain, the insights you discover – are infinitely better than simply getting what you want at the outset and being an example for future generations.
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