An Interview with Khalifa Al-Dossary, Founder of AlQabael

AlQabael is a luxury fashion brand established in 2018 with the aim of producing authentic Arabic luxury attire with an urban touch.
The brand, headed by Khalifa AlDossary was part of Flat6Labs Bahrain’s accelerator programme in its Second cycle.
Please tell us more about AlQabael and what inspired you to create the business?
AlQabael was established with the sole purpose of producing traditional attire and accessories with an urban touch, hence our name ‘AlQabael’ which translates to tribes, reflecting a sense of tradition.
I would say the inspiration behind the creation of my business is an epiphany I once had. It all started in my wardrobe the day I was decluttering my winter clothes while getting ready for summer to kick in.
I came across an expensive piece of cashmere shawl that I had previously bought. I realized I had only worn it twice in 2 years and began to wonder why haven’t I worn it a lot more and it was obvious I couldn’t due to our short winters.
I started wondering why I bought it and was it worth it? Yes, it was definitely worth it because it was a standout piece and I had nothing like that in my collection. In that very moment, it hit me to try something new by creating a new style of ghetrah which came in bold lavish colours and could be worn all year round.
If you think about it, male traditional attire has always been the same patterns and colours for generations. There was clearly a gap in the market and so I felt that it was my responsibility to bring my idea to life.
There is a quote I once came across which I still live by to this day. It is “Everybody has a creative potential and from the moment you can express this creative potential, you can start changing the world” and thus sparked the launch of my brand.
What’s exciting about AlQabael, and how have you managed to fuse fashion with pop culture in your products?
Never wait for anything to be perfect to be ready because you will never know it is ready until you launch and then perfection will follow in time. It is going to be a roller coaster ride with lots of ups and downs. Just stay strong.
Believe and enjoy the process.