The entrepreneurship magnet?

The basis for creating wealth has changed. If in an earlier time, capital and historical dominance were the biggest determinants of success, today ideas are the basis of wealth creation today. The young have a great advantage here, for they understand the new business landscape much better than these steeped in the rules of a bygone time. The conventional advantages of age, experience, and legacy have got devalued while the new codes of seamlessness, agility, and fluidity feel uncomfortable.
The younger generation today demands a level of independence and control over their time and their lives that conventional jobs struggle to provide in spite of all the changes that we have seen. The idea of being in charge of their destiny is a deeply attractive one.
Clearly, a fundamental change is afoot. There is a new generation that regards entrepreneurship as their most favored destination. Students from top-tier institutions aspire to start something of their own. The heroes of the day are not industrialists from established business houses, but young gunslingers who have just ridden into town. Some of the most valuable businesses in the world have been started in the last couple of decades and virtually all of them by people young enough to be cutting classes in college.
Source Credit: The Times of India