How to Work From Home

Working from the comfort of your couch, home office, or bed, offers flexibility and work-life balance that most professionals desire. Not having to commute saves money and time and can actually make you happier. Working remotely has many benefits, but it takes dedication and smart strategies to pull it off successfully.
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Although working from home seems like the ultimate luxury, most professionals forget about one crucial element: productivity. Working from home is great, but it can be a real drag if you struggle with staying productive.
So, here are a few working from home tips:
Maintain Regular Hours
When you work from home each day and you are not pressured by a boss breathing down your neck, it can be challenging to keep track of what you have to do. It’s easy to lose focus.
In order to stay on task, segment what you’ll do and when, over the course of the day; maintain a list of all the things that need to get done at the start of each day.
If your list is quite lengthy, then set goals and time limits for accomplishing each task. After you complete each task, cross it off the list. This simple technique is both effective and fulfilling. In addition to making to-do lists, a calendar or planner can also be used to tell you when to shift gears and start on new tasks.
Choose a dedicated workspace
Setting up a designated area in your home especially for work is the most important step in your “work from home” journey Regardless of space or location, establish an area of your home where you will work. Be sure your workspace is comfortable and enjoyable, and where you can work quietly when needed.
Another enjoyable perk of working from home is not having to get up, rush out of the house, and commute to an office. However, it is helpful to have some kind of regime, as you don’t want to be less productive. You should still set an alarm, get up early and follow a routine just like you do when you have to leave the house.
Set “Work Hours”
The beauty of working from home is that you can be flexible in setting your own working hours, but, be sure to establish set work hours to follow each day.
If you are going to make working from home an everyday affair, then set specific business or work hours. For example, if you are most productive in the morning, or if you need to get the kids off the bus at 3:00 pm, then you may want to set your work hours from 7 am until 3 pm.
Learn how to focus
Although most of us find it easy to focus when we’re at home, working from home can be incredibly distracting. For instance, perhaps you’re working on a new blog post when you remember you have laundry that needs to be folded — or a new Netflix show to binge.
Ultimately, to find success as a remote employee, you need to practice focus. If you’re finding it difficult to focus, figure out which factors can help you increase productivity; Changing background noise, lighting, time-of-day, or room of the house in which you work can all help you become more focused.