Make Yourself Heard: Four Communications Tips For Entrepreneurs In 2019

We all love communications– for those without a sizable marketing budget, communications is the best way to get your story spread among as wide an audience as possible. But how do you communicate clearly and effectively, especially with all of the noise today, both online and offline?
The good news about communicating with your customers is that you don’t need big budgets to do that. You literally won’t need to spend a dime to reach thousands, even millions of people. You can communicate for free. And here’s some tips on how you can do it, as well as advice on a number of sessions you can attend at EMENAComm, the region’s largest communications event for 2019 happening in February in Bahrain.
Define your goals Exposure is great, but what’s your purpose? Where are your customers? What are they reading, watching, listening to? Pitching takes time, and creating content also takes time. Know where you want to be, and what you want to achieve. This doesn’t only save you time, but also makes your outreach more strategic.
Listen to your customers It’s an obvious point, but in our eagerness to talk, we’ve forgotten the other element of conversation. If we’re to build trust and communicate more effectively, we must become better listeners (both in person and online), and listen to hear and understand, rather than simply to respond. It also helps us understand what matters to our customers, and how we can best reach them.
Stand up and inspire Nothing beats addressing an audience faceto- face. It’s your time to win over hearts and minds, to sell yourself, and to leave a lasting mark. And yet, speaking in public is what most people fear more than anything else (more than skydiving, swimming with sharks, and getting divorced, apparently). If you want to get noticed, both by your customers and the media, then get ready to stand up and inspire.
Source Credit: Entrepreneur
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