Beban TV Show Opens Registration for Season 4 for Entrepreneurs Looking for Investment and Strategic Opportunities

Entrepreneurship-themed reality television show and the region’s 1st private-public investment platform ‘Beban’ announces the opening of applications for season 4, inviting entrepreneurs from across the GCC looking for an opportunity to fundraise and secure strategic business development to register through the website by March 31st, 2024.
Upon their acceptance to Beban, entrepreneurs will undergo an intensive specialized bootcamp delivered by industry experts encompassing fundamental business topics that will comprise of fundraising awareness, knowledge on business models , developing a go-to-market strategy, and preparing them to pitch in front of a panel of investors to ensure their readiness for the show.
To apply to Beban Season 4, entrepreneurs should meet the following criteria:
- Revenue Generating businesses.
- Proven market traction (MVPs not accepted unless the founder has a successful track record).
- Strong founders who possess the necessary skills to reach company goals (Experience and track record of founders is a plus).
- High scalability potential.
Beban has a track record of 3 seasons, with over US$6m worth of investments secured in Seasons 1 and 2. The show aired across prominent GCC television channels AlRai TV, SBC Channel, Dubai TV, Bahrain TV, Oman Cultural Channel, and the region’s first and largest VOD platform, ‘Shahid’.
Entrepreneurs are invited to apply for season 4 online through or by sending an email to