5 important lessons you will learn while building your business

- Entrepreneurship is glamorized
It’s marketed to look to fun and adventurous but in reality, in one of the most painful processes you can go through. If you are in it for fun then you might not last.
- There’s no overnight success
Every successful entrepreneurial story is shown as an overnight success but that’s just one side of the equation. Failure and rejection are a daily occurrence and it needs to discussed more often instead of just concentrating on how successful the business has become.
- Having a co-Founder is essential
Everyone, including your employees and your significant others, will not completely understand what you are going through. Having a like minded individual, such as a co-founder is essential for problem solving, sharing responsibilities and exploring new ideas.
- Recruitment is everything
Early recruits make or break the company. Do whatever it takes to hire the right people that fit your company’s values, people who are as driven as you are, have the same ambitions, people who have the right skills to make your vision become a reality. Find them and give them autonomy and see how the magic unfolds.
- Always be humble
Failure doesn’t kill entrepreneurs, success does. Don’t let it get to your head. Keep aside your pride, your ego and keep learning. The more you learn the more you grow. It’s a simple as that. Albert Einstein once said “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”