Syaratech to be the ‘Airbnb’ of car sharing in Saudi Arabia

Syaratech is a new peer-to-peer car-sharing platform in Saudi Arabia that allows car owners to lease their vehicles directly to others. It was established by founder and CEO Mohrah Al-Ahmari in 2020 and began operations in November of 2021.
As the idea is very new to the country, the process of getting a license to operate was not straightforward. The businesswoman held several meetings with the Public Transport Authority to finally get the license. With tourism becoming a vital sector for the economy, Al-Ahmari expects to see her project supporting the sector as it will reduce the cost of getting a car for a large segment of society.
In a similar fashion to what Airbnb does for homes, Syaratech allows people in the Kingdom to boost their income by safely renting their cars via the platform, like Saudi vehicle-sharing app Ejaro who was the first to enter the space in 2019.
Source Credit: Arab News