5 Hacks Anyone Surfing Websites Should Know

Years 2020 -2021 have seen a boom in digital platforms and digitalization due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, users activity has been increasing on online media. And the pandemic has just fired up the analytics. In recent years having an android set is mandatory as part of growing up. After all, access to the internet is has weaved the world together benefitting millions.
The goal of this blog is to draw your attention to small details on public websites. We sum up some useful hacks anyone with basic knowledge in surfing can apply. These hacks can help you in many ways. Let’s dive into them and don’t forget to put your comments below.
Inspect Element is what we’re discussing here. There are certain situations in which even a regular internet user can benefit from the Inspect element feature. Now, will find some cool Inspect elements tricks, and tips, which can make your browsing session much more productive.
1. Remove Popups
It’s really annoying when you are engrossed in some web content and the respective website’s popup shows up. In some situations, in order to continue reading, you have to either subscribe to that website, which is more annoying. I agree! This option can save the day. Next time a pop-up shows up
- right-click the pop-up
- choose the inspect element / inspect option
- at the top -left corner you’ll find a cursor, select it
- and hover over the popup, they’ll highlight the <div> tag which is the pop-up’s code
- delete that tag, and woop! Read along.
2. Reveal Saved Passwords
Say, you want to know your pre-saved password rather than going to google settings to key in your device password to reveal the password, you can do this.
- On your browser, right-click the password field.
- Select the Inspect element from the context menu.
- The highlighted code should correspond to the password field.
- Inspect the line of code, and replace the type=”password” with type=”text”.
- Voila!
3. Download Targeted Images From Websites
Has it ever happened to you that you liked an image or video on a site? And wanted to download the content in that website. Whereas, there’s no way to download it directly. I’ve got you! You can download any image that you want from any website, by following these steps
- Right-click on the image as usual, and go to Inspect Element
- the corresponding code will be shown, find the div tag
- there you’ll find the image alt section with img src
- which is the server link of the image, click that to go to the server image directly
- download using the ‘save image as’ option in right-click
4. Download Targeted Videos From Websites
- Right-click on the video, and go to Inspect Element, followed by the top-left cursor icon
- hover over the video you want, the corresponding code will be shown, find the video-tag
- there in the video section find the video src
- which is the server link of the video, click that to go to the server directly that hosts the video
- download using the ‘save video’ in right-click drop-down list
5 Crazy Hacks Using Inspect Element | by Vignesh Rajendran | PositiveNaick Analytics | Medium